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Data Analyst , Web developer , ML

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About Me

I am a 3rd year Computer science undergraduate. I like to play with data and convert it to a useful form for modelling and analysing. I am also inclined towards Web development and have created multiple full stack websites for companies as a freelancer and an intern. I am also a deep learning enthusiast and have multiple projects in the same field. My hobbies include Gaming and physical activities

Latest Projects

project name

Clustered geolocation data intelligently in python

Clustered geolocation data intelligently in python for the ease of analysis with the help of kafka library. accumulated all the taxis in the johannesberg area and labeled them according to their owning companies on a map. This project can help us understand the best area to find taxis and what areas do taxi driver prefer.

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project name

Traffic sign detection with Deep Learning

Made a traffic sign detection model using Convolutional Neural Network. This model has can predict the traffic signs with around 90% accuracy. This concept can be improvised and used in self driving cars for the detection of traffic signs and other necessary objects that need to be detected on road

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Exploratory Data Analysis With seaborn

Performed Exploratory Data Analysis on a Cancer Details dataset. I analysed the data to understand which features can help us classify Benign from Malignant tumors. It contained reduction of data bias , and checking the consistancy of data

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Plutomen Game Club

Solely Created a real life multiplayer mobile game (ludo) for Plutomen Spaceforce which will be inculcated in their Latest mobile app Squadcam. It was made with Node.js , Sockets and bootstrap. It contains features like Multiple lobbies , Game spectator option , chat screen and other options , which bring it at par with games like Ludo King

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Other Projects

Facial expression recognisation with keras Free

Made a Facial Feature recognisation model With the help of Convolutional Neural networks

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Sentiment analysis Free

Made a sentiment analysis model with logistic regression and sci-kit learn to predict

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Music Player with Javascript Free

Made a customised music player with javascript , html and css

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More on GitHub

Work Experience

Data Science InternBuyUcoin (July 2020 - Present)

Analysing data and creating machine learning models to predict the future stock price of XRP tokens

Web Developer Code for Cause (June 2020 - Present)

Developing and creating the current website of code for cause along with the team. Responsible for removing any kinds of distortions that may occur on the page

Software Engineer Intern - Plutomen (May 2020 - June 2020)

Worked on developing and integrating games with Plutomen's mobile app - Squadcam

Application DeveloperMawai Infotech (Mar 2020 - April 2020)

I developed prototypes of the project in association with patanjali ayurveda . We also created and deployed an ERP system for patanjali

Data Analyst Motilal Oswal (Mar 2020 - mar 2020)

Worked on outlier detection , filling of missing data and performing exploratory data analysis on their client feedback data